Another on-going pandemic is coming.. Swine Flu.. Back to the few year ago, We had Nipah, SARS and followed by Bird Flu. It seems like we really having lots of zoonotic diseases nowadays. Mutation of the viruses which previously hosted in animals had changed them to be able to transmit to human. This is something dangerous. But with the advance of technologies and medical support, most of the pandemic can be handle within a short period of time. How about the Swine Flu that occur recently. I do believe that WHO and all the medical personnels from all over the countries are trying their best to get it control. Meanwhile, we need to optimize our hygiene level to reduce the infection rate.
I was told that SARS had actually affect most of the first line medical personnel. Lots of doctors, nurses... had been sacrificed in the war with SARS as all of us are not aware of it especially in the early stage of SARS. Same thing might be happening now as medical personnel are exposed to the patients in the first line.
Probably for newbies like us (fresh graduates). It doesn't seem to be a good sign. It just show us that there are lots more preparation that we need to have in order to face these type of situation now and in future. But of cause, we were trained to face it bravely. Fight to the end for these type of wars. There is no way to hide but to face it with our full strength. But what i want to say here is.. everyone don't try to be heroes. Please and please. Work in a team and always take universal precautions. For newbies like us, I think we should really listen to what consultants had ordered. Take this issue seriously as we are a TEAM and i am sure they will guide us well in handling this type of situation. Work smartly without fears so that we can get the Swine Flu controlled without much damage. We are doctors but not SUPERMAN... so, i hope that all my colleagues in all over the countries will take good care of yourselves meanwhile optimizing the health care.. TAKE CARE!!!
3 weeks ago
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