As we are nearer to exam, I felt more stress. Stress not only due to the exam, but also the responsibility that we are going to bear in the future. Becoming a doctor is not an easy work. But, this has been what i am looking forward. I think a great responsiblity in handling patients is necessary or basic requirement in this career. Some how, this will become a great challenge for everyone in order to conduct a good practice.
2 years ago, the dean of faculty had told me how much UM medical students nowadays are lacking in their responsibility and I just ignore it. But, i started to understand what he said at this point of time. It has been quite sad when i look around and notice quite a number of students who always take things for granted and never volunteer to take up responsibilities.
Yesterday, an idiot had just push all her responsibility to me and ended up i was scolded for no reason because she didn't do her work properly. It is a norm in my group for pre-call student to be in-charge in blood taking for patients in that particular wards after the morning chart rounds. Any urgent blood will be taken by the post-call students. Who knows, this post-call idiot who didn't attend her call the day before and ended up rushing for her patient reviews before chart round did not take an urgent blood for that day. The doctor had asked her to do so and she just ignore it until 10 minutes later when the ward called me (pre-call) and i promise to rush in within 10 minutes. When i arrived, the "GREAT MO" scolded me straight away for something that i don't know.
With that, I throw my temper towards the idiot and she asked me: "Why do you scold me? You should scold another post-call student (who went to cover the whole ward the day before)." I am so shock!!! WOW.. how can she push all the things to others like that? She don't have any sense of responsibilities at all? Wonder how people can work in a team with her in the future.
Responsibility is not an uncommon issue in my badge. No one want to pick up responsibility to be a leader is so so so common. Even though everyone had agreed to do rotation and each one become leader for at least 1 posting, there are still peoples who always tried to sneak away from this responsibility. Even if you had pointed them out, they will still give tonnes of nonsense reasons or manipulate others so that he/she can sneaked away. Most important is in the end of the days, most of them makes the most comments regarding how BAD the leader was.
I really hope that no one will carry this attitude further in their career. Not only in medical profession, but others as well. We are adult enough to make wise decision and I am sure we are adult enought to carry the responsibility that we should have.
1 week ago
when u come out to a real working average you will meet at least one of this kind human beings in the company.. so, move on and firm wit wat u think is good for your patient, career and yourself...
Totally agree. Thanks for the advice!
yeah, i was there on that day, watching you being scolded by the people you've mentioned..trying to help but it was too late..
poor you,, sorry..
kian hua, don't ever give up!..
keep urself even more stronger.. :)
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